InterCultral Children & Family Services

Program - Frequently Asked Questions:
Kinship Care - The full time care, nurturing, and protection of children by: Relatives (through blood, adoption or marriage); Godparents; Stepparents; or any adult who has a bond which the family recognizes as significant to the child/family.
Informal Kinship Care is parenting of children by kin as a result of a decision by the family.
Formal Kinship Care is parenting of children by kin as a result of a determination by the court and the child protective service agency.
Our Heritage Preserved
We believe that Kinship Care-Giving is a traditional part of our culture and that Kinship Care is family preservation of our families—by virtue of our broader definition of family.
We believe in strengthening the bonds of the family
Types of REFERRAL SERVICES Available Through the King County Caregiver Support Network (contact them at www.KCCaregiver.org) :
Legal referral information
DSHS System information
Cash assistance referral information
Tangible support referral information for those who qualify: home or car repairs, utilities assistance, etc.
Support Groups, Summer Camp referrals, etc.
Foster/Adopt information
Counseling information
Use of community trained paraprofessionals
Access to King County Kinship Navigator
Facilitation of Trainings/Discussion:
Specialized Kinship Care Parent Education Course
PRIDE Training Classes
General parent education
Sudden placement
Love/burden of the child
Immediate and ongoing obstacles of caring for the child
Family dynamics and role issues
Services of support (and loss due to family tension)
Guardianship / Adoption issues/pressures
Establishing Programs which have:
Tangible assistance and/or referral services
Strong component of social support
Institutional support and funding
Long-term and ongoing services
Ability to taps into the historic strengths and resilience of families
Knowledge to deal with ways formal systems are not designed to meet the needs